About the school

Základní škola Jihomoravské náměstí 2, Brno was the second built school in the city part Slatina. In 1979 the communist government started to build housing estate in Slatina. This was the reason, why there was a need for a new school and other new services in this suburb of Brno. The construction started in year 1983 and the construction company was Pozemní stavby Gottwaldov. The finished building should have 18 classes and 5 special classes (biology class, music room, room for chemistry lessons and two art classes). You should also find 2 gymnasiums and 4 classes for after school clubs. There was a huge pressure to finish the building as soon as possible. The school opened its door on the 1st of September 1985. But the building still didn´t look like a finished school. For example the gymnasiums and the art classes were finished even in May 1986. The school was planned for 612 students but already in the first year there were 712 students. In the next school year 1986/1987 the school had a record number of students - 838 students. The school building was too small for so many students, so a few classes had to move to the shopping centre Slatinka across the street.

                                                       The school building in 1988 (https://www.stavoprojekta.cz/obj/684/3.jpg)

In the year 1989 the communist regime ended with the velvet revolution. That becomes evident in our school soon. The education was changed in the democratic way and number of students decreased. In this year we have 380 students in our school. Since the year 2004 the kindergarten has belonged to our school, too.  Talking about people, our school has 23 teachers - 18 have their own class, 5 assistants, 4 educators, 1 school psychologist and 7 service workers. Without the kindergarten we have 40 workers in our school.

The building opens at 7:40 and the school starts at 8 o´clock.

You can find in our building:

- school canteen - The kitchen cooks not only for us but it cooks for the other school in Slatina, for another 5 kindergartens in the neighborhood and for another 150 people. Some of them for example pensioners come to the school for their meals, for the others a special car delivers their meals. Generally our school canteen cooks 1100 meals a day. The system for students and teachers works with small chips. You order your meal through internet and then your chip shows to the cook which one of the twomeals you chose.

- school club

- 2 computer rooms

- art class

- music class

- community center

- chemistry laboratory

- education kitchen

- ceramic workroom

                                                                        The school building in winter 2013